The Jameson Newtson Science Research Trip to American Samoa – APPLICATION CLOSED!

We received so many great applications! Thanks to all who applied we are super stoked on your enthusiasm and qualifications. We’re reviewing applications this week and will notify everyone ASAP

If you did NOT receive a reply from us that your application was received, please email us ASAP!

Want to do Marine Science in American Samoa?!

Tragically, in 2021 Jameson Newtson passed away from childhood heart complications and the Foundation itself was suspended indefinitely while we reeled from the loss. In 2022, Jameson’s wife, Carolyn, proposed we switch focus towards providing fundraising and a scholarship in Jameson’s memory. The Foundation began raising money at events held in Jameson’s memory and we’re now prepared to send our first student to American Samoa in 2024. We hope the student can experience the island that Jameson loved dearly and stoke their passion for marine science that Jameson was so dedicated to.

The scholarship student will travel to American Samoa to learn about current marine management practices and to participate in coral reef resilience research!

Under the guidance of a mentor, the student will spend four weeks on Tutuila (July 7 – Aug 4, 2024) assisting with two reef research projects:

  1. Investigate the potential for giant tritons (a large marine snail) to act as reef protectors, keeping destructive crown-of-thorns starfish away from reefs. This work will set the stage for the protection of tritons in American Samoa.
  2. Coral restoration project that will work with stakeholders to assess best management practices and to set up small coral nurseries offshore. A workshop will be held in collaboration with CRAG and the Coral Restoration Foundation to facilitate learning exchanges with a focus on the future management of the restoration site.
    Both projects will involve meetings with management agencies and villages, as well as in- water, hands-on activities.

At the end of the trip, the student will submit a trip report to the Malosi Foundation for publication on the website, describing their activities and what they learned during this experience. This scholarship trip is sponsored by the Malosi Foundation in collaboration with the American Samoa Coral Reef Advisory Group (CRAG)

Additional Requirements:

  • The student should be a strong swimmer and snorkeler
  • Be able to work long days in the tropical sun on demanding field work underwater and on land
  • Have a positive, relaxed and flexible attitude that can handle the changes and delays that are inherent in this kind of work. This is Island Science!
  • Have an interest in Samoan culture and working with local communities
  • Must be 18 years or older
  • Must have a valid passport
  • Must be a science major or have a marine science/environmental background
  • Must write a 1 page summary to apply for the scholarship (details of summary below)

1 Page Summary Should Include:

  • General Introduction: Name, age, where you are from, educational background, current school you attend, hobbies, etc.
  • Educational background and research experience (if any)
  • What interests you in marine science? Why are you interested in the environment?
  • Do you have any experience with island culture?
  • What would you like to get out of a research trip to American Samoa?

Send completed summary to

no later than APRIL 20, 2024

Scholarship winner will be notified by May 1, 2024

Scholarship Mentor and lead investigator Dr. Wendy Cover is a coral reef ecologist who has studied reefs in American Samoa, Niue, Hawaii, and Midway.  She spent five years living on Tutuila, where she led the research activities for the National Marine Sanctuary of American Samoa and collaborated with partner agencies to conduct over 100 reef surveys and remove invasive crown-of-thorns starfish.  She is captivated by the magic of a diverse, healthy coral reef.

You get to hang with these guys every day! Resident sea turtles at Faga’alu Bay